On this page, you can find all the OFFERS and information about Shampoo – Hair Elixir.


  • Shampoo is a shampoo accelerator and cannot replace treatment, not even for maintenance.
  • You can only use Shampoo without Lozione, Crema Forte, or Gel Intenso only to prevent dandruff or hair loss!
  • For other effects, use it only in tandem with one or more of the above-mentioned products.
  • Shampoo can prevent hair loss and dandruff.
  • Shampoo can increase the effectiveness of treatments or Gel Intenso by up to 30%.
  • You can use Shampoo to wash your beard daily to get rid of dermatitis, flakes, dandruff, and prevent them.


Shampoo is Sereni Capelli’s best-selling product because all customers use it in tandem with one of the treatments. At the same time, it is one of the most nourishing hair shampoos on the market, and many customers use this product simply because it provides a much stronger and healthier scalp and hair, without being interested in its effects against gray hair. Although it is part of the Hair Elixir range, Shampoo is not as effective as the other products because the usage time of this product is very short and cannot generate the same effect as the other products. However, using this product in tandem with treatments is very beneficial for several reasons:
  • As part of the Hair Elixir range, Shampoo accelerates the effects of treatments by up to 30%.
  • 99% of shampoos on the market contain ingredients that can harm the hair and scalp, or at best, only clean the nutrients from the surface of the scalp, which ultimately leads to dandruff and hair loss.
  • Shampoo Hair Elixir does not harm the scalp or hair, but instead nourishes them and helps them repair.


  • Anyone (both ladies and gentlemen) between the ages of 10 and 99.
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women.
  • People with allergies or sensitivity to dye, ammonia, oxidants, etc.
  • People with any type of allergies.
  • People under various treatments who are not allowed to dye their hair.
  • Ladies who want a natural, permanent Balayage without dye.


  • By using SHAMPOO Hair Elixir, you will gain more admiration and respect from those around you.
  • If you want to become a much more attractive person.
  • If you want healthier hair.
  • If you want thicker, denser, and shinier hair.
  • Quality Ingredients: Products from Italy are renowned for their quality. The natural ingredients in SHAMPOO can be gentler on hair than any other treatments available on the market.
  • Preventing Damage: Using treatments containing natural ingredients, such as SHAMPOO, can reduce the risk of hair damage due to aggressive chemicals.
  • Strengthening and Nourishing: In addition to recoloring, SHAMPOO can help strengthen hair strands and nourish them, leaving them soft and silky.
  • Eco-friendly: Being a product based on more natural ingredients, SHAMPOO can be considered more environmentally friendly.


  • Purified Water
  • Laureth Sulfate
  • Lauryl Betaine
  • Cocamide Dea
  • Collagen Amino Acids
  • Hydrolyzed Collagen
  • Polyquaternium-7
  • Gentle Conditioning Cetrimonium Chloride
  • Moisturizing Glycol Stearate
  • Natural Citric Acid
  • Sea Salt
  • Moisturizing Glycerin
  • Natural Bismuth Citrate
  • Beneficial Sulfur
  • Fragrance (Perfume)
  • C.I. 19140, C.I. 42051, C.I. 16255.


  • There are no side effects.


Shampoo is used like any other shampoo.
  • Apply it to hair/scalp/beard, leave it on for 3-5 minutes, then massage the area and rinse.


This product is manufactured in Italy, dermatologically tested, and approved according to European Directive ”93/35/EEC,” amendment ”6/768/EEC,” in the European Union with P.I.F: N°1206/101, according to the regulations of the European Parliament ”CE 1223/2009.”


If you are not satisfied with the results obtained in the first 21 days of use, we will refund your money. Read more in the REFUND POLICY section.


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